Friday, April 27, 2012

When blog posts fail me

So. I was super pumped a couple weeks ago about blogging. I even scheduled posts! And then, POOF! Posts were blank. Hard work out the window. Any ideas as to what happen (besides the likely human error of failure to save)?

So now? I'm in a 15 passenger van in my way to the Smokey Mountains to spend the weekend with some of my favorite high school upperclassman for their Jr/Sr Trip.

have a great weekend!

P.S. On this day, 8 years ago, husband and I "DTR'd" that we were dating. DTR=Define the Relationship. Anywho, it's been a crazy 8 years, but I can't imagine anyone else I'd rather have as my other half. Literally, sometimes he feels like he's my right hand.

1 comment:

  1. I've been hearing this happening a lot with bloggers lately with blogger deleting their posts. I'd say for now, copy and paste into Word in case it does it again, you'll have it OR if you have a PC, download Windows Live Writer to write all your posts.

    That's what I use and have never looked back. its the easiest, bestest (its a word) way to blog. You can schedule your posts (and they'll post) and you'll always have a backup on your computer in case something happens within blogger. Look it up...but only if you have a PC... :)
    Emily at Amazing Grapes
